Hi everyone

Today I am going back to school (it’s been a long time since I was at school!!!!). Dunnikier primary school has asked me to do a careers talk to all the pupils at their weekly assembly. I think this is such a positive approach and I want to give huge applause to the teachers for coming up with the idea.

As school is the foundation to our adult life there is no better place to learn about career opportunities and to be given information at a young age (I am talking to P1-P7). It sends a positive message about future career opportunities.  In my opinion children need to learn about all types of careers whether they are academic, creative or service, the positive aspects of all these roles and the importance of these jobs in our society.

I also think they need to learn about career choices that suit them because of their interests and ability and not just about their academic abilities and my plan for today is to show that hairdressing is a positive career choice with endless opportunities.

So wish me luck and I will tell you all about it next week

