At the end of last year I was asked to take part in an employ-ability fair at Kirkcaldy High School, giving pupils an insight into different careers and an opportunity to ask questions and get information on future careers.
Our next generation of hairdressers are very important to me and giving them a positive career path with quality training is my mission. The fair took place on Monday within the school with pupils from S4 through to S6 attending.
Overall it was a successful day with lots of information given and lots of interest shown and a special mention to our assistant Megan who demonstrated her skills on a mannequin head, telling students about her hairdressing journey and training opportunities in the salon – well done Megan.
The one disappointment for me was the lack of interest shown from boys with only one taking an application form – why is this when we have very successful male and female hairdressers achieving great things within our industry?
Two things came from the day and I am making it my mission to make changes; the first one is to continue to raise awareness in schools amongst careers and guidance teachers about the amazing, rewarding and exciting career that is hairdressing. The second is to educate the students through these career days and also open days within the salon to encourage our stars of the future.
Until next week
Ronnie x