Hi Everyone
As I mentioned last week I have been planning and preparing my look for the L’Oreal colour trophy men’s image award for the last six weeks and the regional final takes place in Glasgow at the SEC tomorrow night.
One of our assistants asked me yesterday what it feels like to enter the competition; explaining firstly that one day she will find out! What it made me realise is sometimes you don’t think about your emotions as you are focussing on creating an image and you are totally absorbed in the haircut and colour, the total look of the model and its only when you are finished (I am nearly there just a few finishing touches and one final practice today) that’s when the excitement, nerves and the”have I done enough?” feelings start. As I said yesterday as long as you can answer truthfully that you have given it your 100% best shot (ask me at the end of today hahaha) then you have and that’s the most important thing off all.
Wish me luck and stay tuned to find out the results.
Much love