Hi everyone, hope you are all good and enjoying this beautiful autumn weather, its making the team get lots of inspiration for burnished coppers, spiced berry and deep tangerine tones for hair so watch this space for more ideas on that.
You will have noticed on our social media that we have been talking a lot about skin testing, all of you now know the importance of it and are all used to the procedure.
The trend for tattooing continues, so remember if you have a tattoo in-between colour services, call in to see us and have your skin test updated(this also applies to permanent makeup). Colour applied out with the salon also means a new skin test. The reason for all of this is the pigment from all of these services may affect the way your skin reacts to the pigment in our colour ranges, so the test gives us both the reassurance that no reaction will occur.
If in doubt come in and see us and we will be happy to advise,
Until next week
Much love
Ronnie xx