All of our friends on social media will see all the amazing pictures of celebrities and vlogers with beautiful silver blonde hair after being previously very dark brown and in the salon its one of our biggest requests at the moment. I thought it would be good to explain what can be done without compromising on the hairs condition.
The first thing our colourists have to do (after analysis of hair strength & condition) is remove build up of dark red pigment, this starts the lightening process and the hair will change colour to various shades of copper (orange to the untrained eye). This can take anything from one to several hours and during this time the hairs condition and strength is monitored.
The next stage is lightening the hair with a specialised lightening product, this also is a lengthy process and on occasions two stylists are necessary. Then the hair needs to be toned to the desired shade of silver.
This as you have read is a lengthy process and to do in one sitting the hairs condition will be extremely compromised and we suggest doing this in gradual stages maintaining the condition along the way.
My biggest piece of advice is having a consultation with your stylist who will give you advice and guidance.