Hi Everyone

As you all know we have a charity fundraiser every year for Maggie’s Fife. In recent years our Fitness Guru and Receptionist Diane has introduced us to hill climbing and gruelling walks, and now every second year we have a team challenge.

This year is our in salon cutting and styling Day, it’s happening on Sunday 1st October from 10am until 4pm and our amazing team will be offering appointments throughout the day.

Our Raffle Tickets are now on sale with some amazing prizes from Beauty treatments and Gym passes to name just a few and our top prize a year’s free cut/finishes.

The theme this year is 1990’s (when the salon was born) so watch out for shell suits and lots of grunge and as always there will be cocktails and nibbles a plenty.

It’s going to be a great day full of fun, laughter and great haircuts but most importantly raising money for Maggie’s centre in Kirkcaldy.

Looking forward to seeing you on the 1st October

Much Love
