I trust everyone had a fantastic Christmas and New Year? Full of fun and happy times? I was super-stressed over this Christmas break, what with up-and-coming prelims and an ill grandparent things seemed to be a little messed up this year. However, on Christmas morning I got possibly the best present I could wish for. Hidden inside a massive box, filled with those little annoying polystyrene things, was an envelope. With shaking hands and captured breath I opened it and out on to my lap fell’¦..Noel Gallagher tickets!!! That’s right, my dad delivered and I’m off to Newcastle on the 23rd to see the wonderful man himself.
If you’d asked me how I’d react beforehand I would have said scream, when I actually got them but I did the complete opposite and went really quiet and cried. I’m so ecstatic and excited that whenever I see, hear or do anything related to him then I have a ‘little moment.’ I have got to get my colour done and my hair cut before I go. Ronnie best be prepared.
In other news I am addicted to Lily-Flame candles. Gorgeous smelling and they come in a little tin that you could keep and use as a trinket box. I’ve also been obsessing over the most gorgeous, wonderful actor that graced our TV screens this winter. That’s right, I’m smitten with Douglas Booth, the pouty lipped unbelievable God that played Pip in the BBC’s adaptation of Great Expectations. I never realised that I had indeed seen him act before in Worried About the Boy, in which he donned full drag, shaved off his eyebrows and literally acted his socks off. In Worried About the Boy Booth played the wacky yet wonderful Boy George and if you’ve not seen it then I’d advise you to because his acting is exceptional. Another recent obsession is Lana Del Rey. The Video Games star releases her new album this month and I’m already on pre-order. She’s going to be massive this year so get in there early and snap up a copy of Born to Die on the 30th.
Just before Christmas I took a trip down to London with my art class to visit the galleries and museums. However a large proportion of it was spent obsessing over how all the girls in London are from another planet of beauty and how absolutely gorgeous all the guys are. We went to the National Portrait Gallery to see the Leonardo Di Vinci exhibition and I was completely blown away. Everything was just completely outstanding. We went to the Saatchi gallery and I realised that ‘modern art’ is completely lost on me. I don’t get it and if anyone wants to please tell me how a lamp on a table can measure up to Rembrandts and Monets then please do.
It’s strange to think that by the end of this year I will be driving and so many things are going to be different, but anyway how did you spend Hogmanay? A party? Fireworks? I spent mine watching the uber-talented Kasabian playing the O2 as YouTube were streaming it live. What a way to spend the New Year. On the fashion stakes I can see this year being good to mint and chiffons, so time to dig out that mint 60’s dress I’ve got hidden away in my wardrobe. As for inspiration I can see Elle Fanning (Dakota’s little sister) and Hailee Steinfeld being big fashion inspirations this year and perhaps things taking a more young and refreshed look than previous. Of course, this year London be home to the Olympics. I’m not too happy about this as I can’t get down during the summer, boo, but I will watch the diving (TOM DALEY! It’s ok for me to drool he’s 17, I’m 16…IT COULD WORK ) and the swimming but anything like archery or netball you’ll see me switching my TV off. And this year we also celebrate our dear old Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, which I am jumping up and down in excitement for. Not because it will no doubt be a grand affair, remember Brian May playing on the roof of Buck Pal at her last jubilee? Because it means I get another year of drooling over Prince Harry. I’m not saying anymore on the matter of the drop dead gorgeous prince other than, ladies hands off’¦I’ve been gunning for him since I was 8-years-old, HE’S MINE!!! (plus I’m sure Ronnie would love do to a royal bride’s hair haha.)