It is amazing to be part of the first ever L’Oréal Young Artistic Team in Scotland. The aim of the team is bring young hairdressers from across Scotland to work together creatively and to perform on stage. As part of that, we will be mentored by some of the best hairdressers across the country, including Ronnie, creative director and owner of Byron Hairdressing.
For the first session we all had to prepare a presentation and I was asked to focus on women’s fashion in the 1930s. It was really interesting researching the period and I gathered lots of pictures ready to show the rest of the team.
As the session started and we introduced ourselves, I felt so excited. We all had to say a bit about ourselves, how long we had been in hairdressing and what we aimed to achieve in our hairdressing careers. Then Vicki, who is from L’Oréal and will be coordinating the team, explained what she expected from us, such as good time-keeping and hard work, and what she wanted us to achieve. I don’t think she will have to worry; everyone seemed so enthusiastic and motivated to be part of the team.
The first session was held at the Migele Experience in Kirkcaldy. Owner Dom talked about his hairdressing career that spanned 40 years and explained how it all started. Then he showed some of his collections, talking about his inspiration, location, models and make-up artists.
Next came our presentations. I was second up and I admit it was a bit nerve-racking, but the five minutes flew by and I was given good feedback. And after it was over I was glad I went up second as I was able to relax and really focus on the other presentations.
Lastly, we were given our timetables and details for the next events. It is going to be so incredible being part of this programme. This was an amazing day and really inspirational. I got a lot from it, and it was great to meet other young hairdressers who shared my passion.